Optimize Your Health As If Your Life Depends On It — Because It Does!

Colon Hydrotherapy

Cleanse your colon with water and rejuvenate your body, mind, and emotions using Colon Hydrotherapy. Colon Hydrotherapy, or Colonics, isn't just cleansing the colon; it's so much more than that! It is cleansing the body, mind, emotions and has significant potential to balance the gut microbiome and immune health.

  • What People Are Saying

    “Tara has been an inspiration in my life since our meeting 3 years ago. Financially, holistically, and physically. She taught me new skills of self-love, introduced me to a fantastic superfoods company(Purium) that became an income source that paid for 2 huge deductibles on 2 surgeries. She also created a memorable women's retreat event(The Sisterhood Circle). Her presence is priceless. Thank you for being who you are in so many giving ways.”

    — Sharon

  • What People Are Saying

    "Tara's work provokes radical improvements and immediate action to create the changes in obtainable and sustainable ways. My self awareness has shifted and illuminated my power".

    — Olivia

  • What People Are Saying

    "When I am asked to name someone who has made a big difference in my life, someone who has played a pivotal role enriching who I am today, it is with honor that I say Tara Alder and Alder Brooke Healing Arts". What I have learned and implemented from Tara regarding internal cleansing, diet and supplements has made the most significant and stable improvements to my health that I have ever experienced. Yet, throughout the years that I have known her, I have gained something even more invaluable. Self-confidence and a wonderful relationship. Tara's wisdom has helped me grow and compassion has helped me heal".

    — Ken Wages

  • What People Are Saying

    "Tara's community gatherings and skilled listening has been essential in my healing. I recommend her guidance and direction aiding in remembering the essence of my nature as part of deep healing and self-discovery"


  • What People Are Saying

    “Tara is a powerhouse of knowledge packed with passion and purpose to inspire our greatest vitality and health so we can shine bright. Her school programs are top-notch.”

    — Shakina Cloke, student graduate

  • What People Are Saying

    “Through all the various disciplines that I work with over the years, Tara has been an essential part of my team of healers. I have struggled immensely with food and recovery from cancer, working with Tara I believe is saving my life. I learn something new every time. The exchange of heart, knowledge and wisdom always enhances me. I gain insights that move me forward in a positive direction on my life journey. Thank you Tara!”

    — Bethanne

  • What People Are Saying

    “Tara's expertise and kindness helped my UTI issue in just 2 weeks with ease. Prior, I had not been relieved even after seeking medical and pharmaceutical support. Tara made me a custom herb blend and I think it completely cleansed me from the inside. Now it feels like I have my life back!”

    — Miguel O.

  • What People Are Saying

    “I had the choice of learning colon hydrotherapy in Australia but chose to seek my education by one of the best in the business. I wanted to be great at what I did. Not just good. I did my research and it was Tara Alder! She was so hygenic, professional, stimulating, and motivated. I loved learning with Tara. She made it seem so easy and natural. I would love to do the Advanced training with Tara. She is a gem. For anyone out there wondering where to go for education, knowledge and great colonic then look no further. Tara is your gal.”

    — Dr. Jane Amelia Lemon (Osteopath)

  • What People Are Saying

    "I am so inspired to create the life of my dreams. Seeing what you have created, I know everything is possible".

    — Megan

Colon hydrotherapy opens up possibilities for deeper emotional healing.

Core wounds that have kept us stuck can be illuminated and attended to, allowing transformation in all areas of our lives.Transmuting our challenges into lessons learned and empowering our stories from trauma to triumph is one of my superpowers.

— Tara Alder

Gatherings & Events

Join a gathering or host your own event in this beautiful sacred space

Optimize your health and life; you deserve it!

—Tara Alder