Clear Light Quartz Crystal Magic -Amplify wisdom and health, and create epic realities!
Clear Quartz is here to assist you in all ways as it illuminates everything. Bearing light into the depths of our souls, this precious gift leads us to ask ourselves what it is in our lives that need our attention. What special gifts do we have that are unique and need to be seen in the world now? What did you come here to do? Shine light on what might be interfering with your showing up as the best version of yourself. See where you may have self-sabotaged, why you might limit yourself, and learn to see you have many other options within easy sight. Invite quarts to be your ally.
Use clear crystal quartz to help you to see the way. Ask your quartz to show you the ways of light work. Let brilliant clear light quarts assist you in seeing through the eyes of infinite possibilities.
Light quartz is the most powerful and sought-after crystal as it is the zodiac stone for all birth signs and is the gemstone for the crown chakra. The gifts of this 10th anniversary stone include harmony in relationships, pure energy, beautiful health, psychic ability, mental clarity, and a sense of calm. Quartz offers a direct connection to the angels, ancestors, spirit realm, and mysterious, vast universe.
Innate wisdom is accessed with ease using light quart. This known “Master Healer” amplifies energy and thoughts as well as the gifts that other crystals offer! Light quartz absorbs, stores, releases, and regulates energy. Quarts create the cleanest, most pure energy possible on this earth plane.
Place quarts anywhere and everywhere. Travel with it! Play with one in your pocket. How will quartz enhance you and your life?
This blessed silicon dioxide crystalline earth mineral draws off negative energy of all kinds, including electromagnetic smog or petrochemical emanations, transmuting it and clearing blockages. This light gem balances and revitalizes the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual planes. They cleanse us of all negativity, restore natural balance, enhance our bodies' organs and subtle bodies, and act as a deep soul cleanser. This crystal connects the earth, body, mind, and soul. All dimensions communicate through clear light quartz. Unlocking memory, stimulating immunity, and bringing our body back into balance. This master healer is here to serve your highest and best self and all you welcome near you. Truly a gift!
Quartz is the keeper of time. Its resonance is the precise vibration; when voltage is applied, it generates a signal of a constant frequency.
Clear Light Quartz Crystal Affirmations
I am ancient wisdom.
From Divine perfection, I create.
I see from many angles, many views, and many potentials.
Infinite possibilities are mine to explore.
I am focused. I am productive.
I am powerful. I am laser precision.
I am a magnificent channel of pure light energy.
I am epic high vibrations!
I am present. I am pure. I am grounded. I am connected.
I am a direct channel to Divine source.