How I Nourish the Feminine Aspects of my Life
I listen to my inner voice and thank myself for listening to my inner voice.
I thank myself for saying yes to myself, to self-care, self-love, self-sanctuary, and to sisterhood. I thank myself for trusting that the abundant flow of energy, money, time, magic, wisdom, and creative life flow that is within me is Divine and infinite.
I shower myself with gentle blessings daily as I smile at myself when I pass my reflection.
I choose beautiful clothing to adorn my body temple, and I feed myself wholesome organic meals prepared with love and consideration to my ethical values.
I use scents and touch as part of the ancient art of anointing, empowering sensory medicine supporting ongoing opening to the wisdom of my soul.
I sing love songs to myself, I repeat affirmations, I memorize empowering quotes, and I do this with incantation movements to get that good juju moving into all my energy fields.
I surround myself with epic people of high vibration that do cool and unique things so I’m constantly expanding my horizons and growing.
I dance hula wearing fresh flowers, ferns, and other gifts from the Divine feminine mother nature that abundantly gift us with her beauty. I wear paʻu (authentic traditional) skirts that were made just for me by my Kumu ohana (teacher family) with pule (prayer) while learning to dance and perform modern and ancient hula while smiling and beaming aloha from my eyes.
I trust the process of life while also using discernment, applying discipline, maintaining healthy boundaries, and choosing to surround myself with beauty in a calm, generally quiet, peaceful environment full of feminine art, beauty, and comfort.
I hire sweet humans to aid in gardening, cleaning, cooking, business administration, and every other job I can delegate to my competent support team so I can maintain focus, potency, and enjoy the services I provide in the world with confidence and my full attention.
I rest, so I can be open to receive, create, give, share, love, and live fully when I am awake.
I feel my feelings when they come up. I take time to explore my feelings and attend to them. This keeps me grounded in the here and now, clean and free from old emotions.
I remind myself regularly that I deserve ease, grace, respect, kindness, compassion, patience, love, touch, tenderness, forgiveness, laughter, joy, rest, peace, and friendships that are nourishing, and I accept all those blessings with gratitude. I remind myself that I am necessary and wanted, I am safe, and to use my power to create good for all. I remember that my life is a blessing, and I am welcome in this life.
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