My Love For BZen Wellness

I am blessed with the incredible opportunity to work closely and personally with two of the loveliest humans I know, Brittany and Jonah Boersma of BZen Wellness.

Both Jonah and Brittany are outstanding in articulation, delivery, content, energy, tone, and vibe with all the offerings I’ve seen. And of course, I am a big fan of comfort, hygiene, authenticity, and style so I love their beautiful sanctuary for workshops! I feel their place is the best gathering place in Lane County!

About BZen Wellness

BZen offers a variety of gifts, accessible to all. If you have not already, head to their website and subscribe to their free newsletter. That alone is priceless and valuable! Always a worthy read, concise and educational. Also tune in to a recent interview where Brittany reveals her journey through breast cancer, a double mastectomy, and how she created health while going through the daunting learning process of finding her unique path. This interview brought me to tears. It’s a 90-minute video going in depth about her personal experiences and how she found blessings from her most challenging diagnosis.

All of us have lost community members or family to the dreaded cancer diagnosis and treatments. This is no laughing matter, and in this case, our superwoman, local to Oregon, Brittany Boersma rises to shine and share authentically giving the world of women hope for themselves and their loved ones.

BZen hosts a variety of affordable workshops too. I’ve attended a handful and jump at every opportunity to join another. They offer special price reductions sometimes and even the occasional scholarship is available, so keep your eyes out if you like specials!

My Experience with BZen Wellness

I’ve written from my heart about some of my personal experiences attending BZen’s recent 3-part series workshops as an encouragement to anyone interested in community support for personal development and authentic epic living. Below you can read my take away’s from the Coherence and Communication workshop, Yin Yoga and Juice workshop, and finally the Sound Ceremony.

Coherence and Communication Workshop

We began with Coherence and Communication. This was so well attended in their offerings outside of Oregon, they chose to bring it home to their beloved community here in Eugene. I am so glad they did!

Jonah talked about the Vegas Nerve, explaining how it is the longest nerve in the body. It originates in the brain and flows all the way to the small and large intestines, my personal favorite organs. We learned that the Vegas nerve regulates digestive function, which I know is under nervous and hormonal control. Specifically, under the function of the autonomic nervous system and more specifically the parasympathetic nervous system. This is what makes peristalsis happen. Allowing us to evacuate our bowels as well as move contents through our digestive channel. I often refer to this function as best supported by relaxing. Thus, many of you have heard me gently reminding you to rest and digest. When we are in a relaxed and rested state, energy flows to digestive function. Jonah explained how simple sighs during our exhale is a way to support the opening of the Vegas nerve. He also guided us to self-hug as a way to increase our vagal tone.

I have written much more about the Vegas nerve, (see upcoming blog) its relation to sound as therapy and in contrast how sharp sounds may trigger past trauma and physical contraction. I have gone deep down the Vegas nerve rabbit hole since first learning about its important role in maintaining a state of good health in general, and how a high vagal tone is needed for our general overall wellbeing.

BZen also talked about emotions as simply a nervous system vibration. That resonates with me. I feel I can use that to simplify what I can create complex stories from. It takes some of the charge out. For me, this feels like helpful information. There was discussion about the term “Gas Lighting”, what the term means and how it may be relevant to us and our nervous system. This Coherence and Communication class was excellent and offers opportunities that all may benefit from. Even nationally recognized organizations like White Bird and Cahoots have taken this class from BZen Wellness. If it is offered through BZen again, I highly recommend you attend!

Yin Yoga and Juice Workshop

In addition to that workshop/course, I attended the following 2 workshops where my physical body went through heroic healing. One night during Yin yoga, freshly pressed Juice, sauna, laser light therapy, and cold plunge. I had been suffering from numb toes for 3+ weeks after attending my sons’ event during freezing overnight temperatures in Veneta, so I seriously needed some special attention and a miracle.

Brittany heard my cry and gave me above and beyond what I could ask for, and to my surprise, I got feeling back in all my toes! No joke!

Sound Ceremony

And if that wasn’t enough, my mind and soul quantum leaped into a parallel reality a couple of weeks later in the most powerful sound ceremony I’ve ever attended. This was orchestrated so symbiotically to lead a whole room of humans into the transformational dimensions of our own unique inner emotional worlds, deep into our body through breath and sound.

Magicians, unicorns, healers, one might give all these titles to the dynamic duo of the Boersma’s at BZen Wellness. They set the bar high and achieve greatness. Every single time. Experience it yourself and give yourself the Welcome Home Retreat + Meditation Bundle.

Boresma Magic

If I personally could offer these services as well as the Boersma’s, I would. But I cannot and there is no need. This couple treats their guests as well as I do and better.

It’s with my heart and blessings I proudly refer my beloved guests to BZen. I’d love to see everyone benefit from the gifts offered by our community of alchemists. I’d love to hear about it too.

Everything I’ve witnessed through BZen has impressed me. I truly see both Brittany and Jonah as outstanding humans with real struggles. They continue to thrive and find unique ways through trial and persistence and the creation of healthy perspectives. They then share through the work they offer us. The refined, condensed, potent wisdom pearls that they create from their experiences in life are palatable and palpable.

The awesome dynamic duo I see in BZen is quite special. The organization is exemplary in my eyes. BZen has a lot to offer and their delivery vessel is masterful. Take a workshop and see for yourself.

My observation and experience is my truth. You can count on me to say it as it is, and generally, I do not experience competence coming from the so-called healers, teachers, and coaches. Or, if they are excellent, they are far out of the budget for working-class people. There is much room for improvement and my hawk eye sees it.

Authenticity is one of our greatest gifts. When information is relatable it may be retainable. We need playfulness and genuine care in the way services are customized to suit the unique need of each individual. It is crucial as many of us do not fit into the standardized models of our failing sick care system.

I am so grateful for our unique opportunities in this community and I invite my global communities to join the Bzen Newsletter or my Tara Alder Newsletter(below) and embark on the lifelong journey of continuously learning.


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